AA Player Movement

AA Player Movement

Upon signing this AA Player Movement agreement, you are approved for the next tryout. 

  1. Contact City Director for next tryout club assignment 
  2. Take signed AA Notification-of-Tryout form to next tryout

The player has 7 days maximum window upon date of release from Resident Club for 2nd tryout in U13 AA Peewee, U15 AA Bantam, U16 AA Midget 15 or U18 AA Midget to complete Player Movement process. 

If not rostered with another club within the specified timeframe, then the Player returns to the Resident District to be assigned next Community Federation level. 



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Signature Certificate
Document name: AA Player Movement
lock iconUnique Document ID: ca0d12646515022ea2bebb471be37fa8df3f4c1f
Timestamp Audit
September 3, 2023 1:08 am MSTAA Player Movement Uploaded by Hockey Edmonton - info@aacouncil.com IP